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other people that Chance & the Sleight of Hand interact with Throughout the story.


played by Raymond Mosser

Dr. Leroy becomes Chance's therapist when he returns to his hometown from college. He is considered the town's top psychiatrist, despite being detached and often overmedicating his patients. Having been the go-to doctor in town for so long, he has seen it all and knows maybe too much of the town’s gossip and goings-on.


played by Thomas Daniel

Buck Kerrigan is well known to the youth as the Richmore’s toughest cop. He seems to have it out for all the teenagers and young adults regardless of their guiltiness.  Buck is a very bitter man, whose only pleasure comes from exacting his power. His campaigns of hazing often center on the most defenseless of targets.


played by Ryan O'Toole

Officer Weiss is one of Buck Kerrigan’s fellow officers on the police force. He is newly transferred from an urban area and does not have the advantage of seniority. Weiss does not agree with Buck’s tactics and will sometime try to stop him from flying off the handle.


played by Hilma Falkowski

Ray's ultra-religious grandmother loves him deeply, but sometimes cannot deal with his irresponsible and reckless way of life.  She tries her best to keep him in line while keeping herself sane. Winnie is an ex-nun, who has lead a broken and already tragedy-ridden life.


played by Schylar Westbrook

Sancho is a very determined gang member and drug dealer, who will stop at nothing to own the local area and its drug trade.  Originally part of the streetgang known as the Dreads, he severs ties with the group and forms his own gang: the Doughboys. He holds himself in such high esteem that he believes that he has become famous for his self-righteous gang civil war.
Sancho is another one of Dante's adoptive children.


played by Andrew Scott Francis

Caesar is another one of Dante’s protégés and a member of the gang - the Dreads.  He is a close childhood friend with Sancho, sometimes referring to him as a brother. Upon Sancho’s division of the gang, Caesar becomes a leading member. 


Nearly as ambitious as Sancho, Caesar’s main goal is now to wipe him off the map and reunite the warring groups, reestablishing the Dreads’ hold on the area with himself at the reins.


played by Tyler Kimball

Martin becomes Chance's best friend at college as they delve into the world of drugs together. He is awkward and sometimes does not think things through. As things progress, Martin becomes the butt of Chance's frustrations, often enduring criticism for his follies, and ridicule whether or not it is warranted.


played by Danielle Karagannis

Mandy is Martin's clingy, but good-natured girlfriend.


played by Audrey Hill Thompson

Grace is the last of the triad in the inseparable bunch of college friends that also consists of Chance and Martin. The quintessential party-girl, she has the qualities of being ever-friendly and endlessly optimistic. She has the ability to be wise and insightful when it comes to her pals, but is blind when it comes to her own behavior. Grace is the moral backbone and voice of reason in the group.


played by Guistino Capodilupo

Giuseppe is a local mafia official, whose family in past decades was predominant in New York City. By the turn of the century, the family was pushed to the suburbs and they became mostly involved in racketeering under the front of waste disposal companies. His only remaining son, Anthony, has recently joined him from Italy to become his heir.


played by Tim Rees

Edward Powell is the current, and soon to be retired, Police Chief of Richmore.


played by Caroline Ovca

Caroline is a kind waitress at Knight's Restaurant, where Chance finds employment as a busboy. 

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